I am not a vegetarian, vegan, or anything. I am not on a crash diet, flush, or fast. I'm just a young mother trying to eat better and get my kids to do the same. I fell in love with vegetables during my last pregnancy, and that's usually what I have for lunch. Most of my reason for starting this blog is to document the simplicity of the healthy meals I eat so that others can enjoy them as well, even in a short amount of time (or with one hand, as is often my case).

Friday, May 4, 2012

Pinterestly Productive!

Sometimes you just really get caught up in pinning things on Pinterest, and then you never check out the links or do anything with them. Or am I the only one like that?

At any rate, I cleaned up my boards today and got a little bit more organized. And in the process I found some yummies to try out! I decided last-minute to head to the store so I could make some of them TODAY! Am I a crazy head or what?

So here's what we made today, and I have plans for tomorrow as well.

First off, banana chips. My picky 1 yr old doesn't like bananas (seriously, kid?), and I think it's a texture issue because he gobbles up banana chips at nursery every week. I talked to some of my friends there who like to dry bananas, and got a little jealous that I don't have a food dehydrator. But then I found a pin on Pinterest for baked banana chips, and figured I could do that. Here's my response, without having tested them on the Roobster yet. They are kind of a pain to make! Bananas are a mushy mess. You have to turn them over every half hour as they're baking, and the first two or three times they're just sticky and messy and a spatula won't work so you end up using a spoon and your fingers...ugh. But they're tasty, and the half hour between turns is nice. So we'll see how he likes them and maybe I'll make them again. I was trying to do some math in my head without knowing how much a bag of banana chips costs at Wal-mart, but I'm pretty sure they're cheaper by about $2 to make at home. And that's with my estimate of them costing $2 at Wal-mart. Bananas are cheap.

Bananas are kind of the theme lately, I guess. They're great in smoothies, they're the base of most fruit salads, I love them lately in granola, and I guess you can make ice cream without sugar! At the store today strawberries were really cheap, so I bought 8 lbs. No big deal. So we decided to make strawberry banana ice cream popsicles. They were ridiculously easy to make, and the 3 yr old loves them. Reuben isn't that into cold things yet, but he liked to come over and lick mine every chance he got. I'm hoping that this will be a solution to my ice cream fix lately...I think I've had it 4 times this week, simply because my April health challenge ended and I haven't started another one so my accountability is gone. Needless to say, I've lost and then gained the same 2 lbs in the past 8 days. It was kind of depressing to find that out this morning, so I'm swearing it off again today, but I am going to try making another frozen banana treat as soon as the hubster gets home. This one is basically non-dairy, no sugar chocolate ice cream. I'm not sure how it will turn out. What I'm finding with these banana-as-sugar recipes is that they all just taste like banana. Which isn't bad, but if you're expecting ice cream it can be a little disappointing. I think it's going to be one of those transitions where you just have to learn to enjoy the flavor, which is how I came to love many of my favorite veggies, so I think it's doable. So we'll see how that goes.

Did I mention I bought a lot of strawberries today? I found a recipe for strawberry and watermelon lemonade that I think sounds AMAZING and summery, and I've been feeling the summer vibes all week, so I thought it would make a great addition to our Saturday dinner. I am anticipating nothing but refreshing deliciousness. Although the recipe does call for sugar. You gotta indulge a little bit, right?

Speaking of dinner, I'm thinking about trying this simple soup made from sweet potatoes and cauliflower. I absolutely LOVE sweet potatoes, and so does Reuben, and this will be the second dinner this week that my parents will be able to participate in according to their diet rules :) I've been trying for one a week, so two will be extra great. Especially since the first involved grilled chicken, and this one will be entirely vegetarian :)

So those are my weekend experiments. I decided not to full-out blog about each one because they are not mine and I haven't adapted them at all yet. So I'm basically just giving a shout out to the bloggers who came up with them :)

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